
Attorney General James Delivers $1.5 Million to Survivors of Sexual Harassment and Retaliation in Construction Industry

18 Former Employees, Mostly Women of Color, Experienced Sexual Harassment by Trade Off Employees and Managers NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced that 18 former employees who experienced sexual harassment and workplace retaliation at a Long Island-based construction company were awarded $1.5 million. The agreement also establishes a fund

2020-07-21T18:49:41+00:00July 13th, 2020|

Severe Sexual Harassment Found on NYC Jobsites

A construction firm in New York City will pay a USD $1.5 million settlement and undergo three years of outside monitoring following the State Attorney General’s investigation of sexual harassment complaints. Trade Off Construction Services agreed to the conditions related to Attorney General Letitia James’ findings that 18 women had been subjected to a

2020-07-21T19:02:47+00:00July 12th, 2020|

The 2019 Labor Power 100

City & State recognizes the most noteworthy figures on the front lines in New York. Robert Bonanza, Michael Hellstrom & Michael McGuire Business Manager; Assistant Business Manager; PAC director Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater New York and Long Island Robert Bonanza has served as the Mason Tenders’ business manager since 2004, protecting the

2020-07-21T18:49:22+00:00September 1st, 2019|
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